Contact us
You can contact us in the following ways:
- A Support button is located in the bottom left hand corner of every page on our
website which creates a form. By filling out the form, a ticket will be generated for
your query and an email will be sent to you automatically to confirm we have
received your message.
This is the most efficient way to request a call back, to receive a bulk quote or to
receive an answer about any other queries you may have. We aim to respond to all
messages within 24 working hours
- Email us at:
- Call our dedicated customer service team on 01388 662473 - lines are open between 9:00 - 16:30, Mon - Fri.
- Post to our head office:
IndustraCare Ltd.
64A Newgate Street
Bishop Auckland
Co. Durham
DL14 7EQ
Please contact us using any of the above options, no query is too small.